What lengths would the Vatican go to suppress the secret origins of their faith?
That's the premise behind The Messiah Matrix, a consciousness-raising thriller whose
protagonists delve into the secrets of the past—and expose those who hide them still. Follow a young, skeptical Jesuit priest and a vivacious, brilliant archaeologist as they pursue their passion for truth—while fighting to control their passion for each other. Together they uncover a Roman imperial stratagem that leads them to unveil the Vatican's best-kept secret—a secret so sensitive the Curia never wanted it to be known.
From the first page to the last this contemporary thriller takes the reader on an exhilarating quest from the ancient city of Caesarea to Rome's catacombs and beyond, and provides gripping confirmation for all those who have ever wondered about the actual historical existence of the "Christian Savior.
The Messiah Matrix may prove to be the most thought-provoking thriller ever written. Classical scholar and Yale Ph.D. Dr. Kenneth John Atchity is the only author alive today capable of creating this literary and historically-based masterpiece.
"All that is hidden must now be revealed."